Why Do Children Need to Have and Maintain Dreams?

<br/><br/><br/><br/>Why Do Children Need to Have and Maintain Dreams? - artsdp.com<br/>

Children are the next generation of the nation
who will become a leader in the future. Because it is the next generation
nation, then indirectly there is a bright future that they must achieve
in order to become a superior generation. To achieve this, then
ideals are needed so that they are motivated to achieve it as adults later.

Having a dream or an ideal is the thing
which is common and also needed by children in Indonesia. Because when
they have dreams, so they will also have goals when they grow up.
Even though having a dream or an ideal is very important, it takes care of it
these ideals are no less important.

Keeping your ideals in order to be realized in
the future is not an easy thing to do. Because, to guard
these goals in order to be realized need help from various parties
in providing appropriate educational facilities and a healthy environment to
children in Indonesia. Unfortunately, not all Indonesian children get it
access to proper education and good health services in each region.
This certainly needs special attention, considering that children are
the next generation that must be protected. You can also participate
participate in helping children to maintain their ideals in a way
To do online donation through
UNICEF Indonesia.

Make online donations or donations
online through UNICEF Indonesia is the safest and easiest way you can
You did. Because, UNICEF is an official institution that is under
auspices of the UN so you don't have to worry about donation that you gave. In addition, how to make a donation
also quite easy because you can do it in as few steps as

  1. Go to UNICEF Indonesia's official website at https://www.supportunicefindonesia.org/

  2. Click "Donate Now!" To donate immediately

  3. Determine the type of donation you want as a donation
         routine or just one donation

  4. Enter the nominal amount of the money you want to donate

  5. Enter your name, email and mobile number to proceed
         verification from UNICEF

  6. Select the desired payment method then do it
         payment in accordance with the method chosen.

  7. You have successfully donated
         and contribute in protecting the ideals of Indonesian children.

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