How to Enjoy the Kredivo Installment System at Blibli.Com Online Shop

now the majority of Indonesian people prefer shopping at online shops rather than shopping directly in stores or markets. Online shop itself is a place buying and selling online which now has a lot in Indonesia. besides by buying in an online shop there will be many conveniences obtained by consumers.

Some of the conveniences that will get between them are more effective and efficient. Because the time and energy spent when we shop at an online shop is less. In addition to shopping at an online shop we can get a lot of product variants that are needed. Consumers can also compare prices offered in several online shops to get the best price.

How to Enjoy the Kredivo Installment System at Blibli.Com Online Shop

Now this is one of the other conveniences that will get when shopping at an online shop that is because of the very diverse payment methods. which is currently one of the most attractive payment methods and is much in demand by Indonesian people, namely credivo. One of the online buying and selling websites that currently provides a credivo payment method is

It is important to know that credivo is one of the payment methods that provides customers with a choice of installment payment method without a credit card. By using this credit payment system, customers can buy the products they want at the online shop even though they don't have enough money.

By using the credivo system, consumers can choose, so consumers can choose a payment term starting from 30 days without any connection. There is also a choice of 3-month and 6-month terms with very light interest. Certainly with the credit payment method this will greatly facilitate consumers when shopping online.

Therefore, for those of you who now want to enjoy the credivo payment system, you can visit the online site Blibli. However, it is important to know that in order to enjoy credit, there must be several conditions that must be fulfilled. Some of the requirements that must be fulfilled include:

  1. The buyer must be an Indonesian citizen

  2. Buyers are adults aged 18-60 years

  3. If you want to enjoy this payment method, you must live in Jabodetabek, Surabaya, Bandung, Semarang, Palembang, Medan or Denpasar.

  4. Have a minimum income of 3 million rupiah per month

That was some of the requirements that you must meet if you want to enjoy this credit service. after you meet all these requirements then the next step you need to do is know the steps step by step. The following are the steps to use installments without a credit card credit at

  1. Install the credivo application on a smartphone

  2. Create a credivo account through the application if you don't have an account

  3. Then you can log in and shop for various products you need at

  4. After finishing shopping then you continue to pay and choose the payment method. You can choose the installment payment method without a credit card after that, choose credivo.

  5. After that continue the checkout process and after that your dream product is ready to be sent.

After knowing the various requirements and also the steps to use the payment method online. Then you are ready to shop at an online shop and use the credivo payment method.

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