4 Disadvantages of AC Fans You Need to Know Before Buying

What is usually your consideration when buying something? Usually people will buy something based on the advantages they have on the product. Make advantages as a consideration it does not hurt. But it would be nice if this consideration is also balanced with other considerations, namely product shortages. Because by also making deficiencies a consideration of the purchase, you will be able to get an overall picture of the product. What is explained is of course true for the purchase of all products, including the purchase of air conditioning devices.

Air conditioning devices themselves currently have many variations. In addition to the fan and air conditioner that we are familiar with, now we can also find other products such as air humififiers, air purifiers and also air coolers or AC fans. Well this time we will discuss the shortcomings of AC fans that need to be known before making a purchase.

AC fan

Here are some of the shortcomings of the AC fan.

1. Removes cool, moist, wet air

First, we can find out the lack of AC fans from the air that is moist and wet. The AC fan that works by utilizing cold water in this tank will indeed produce moist and wet air. Now the humid and wet air exhaled by the AC fan itself becomes something that is less comfortable when it hits the body for a long time. This is because the air contains moisture that can make clothes and body wet.

2. Can Trigger the Emergence of Causes of Disease

Furthermore, the lack of an AC fan is that it can trigger the onset of diseases such as viruses, fungi, bacteria and parasites. The emergence of the cause of this disease itself is because the air is exhaled is wet. Now when the air that is exhaled by the AC fan device is wet, then after a long time can indeed bring up some of the causes of the disease earlier. But this can only happen if the AC fan is turned on in a room that has poor air circulation. Indeed the placement of this AC fan should not be arbitrary. So the placement of the right AC fan is in a room with good circulation so as not to emerge some of these diseases.

3. More Ability to Increase Humidity and Cool the Air

Compared to air conditioner products, this AC fan is less qualified in terms of the quality of exhaled cold air. Because the AC fan can be said to be a device to cool the air. By relying on cold water in the tank, the AC fan will conduct a condensation process so that the moisture produced is moist and wet. Unlike the air conditioner that produces cool air that is dry. So when this air conditioner is turned on continuously it will never be a problem. The cooler produced by the air conditioner is of better quality and cooler than the AC fan.

4. Its Use Depends On Cold Water In The Tank

Finally, the disadvantage of an AC fan that you need to know about purchasing considerations is that it depends on cold water in the tank. So when you are going to use an AC fan then you can't just turn it on. Because the AC fan that works depends on the mechanism of cold water supply, you must and must first ensure the presence of cold water in the tank. If later you find that the cold water in this tank is running out or empty, then you are required to fill it up before turning on the AC fan. Because, if you turn on the AC fan without filling the empty cold water in the tank, this will make the device hot and then damaged.

These are some of the shortcomings that exist in the air-conditioning fan air conditioner that you need to know before buying. By not only knowing the advantages, but also knowing the lack of AC fans, then when you buy it, you will really feel confident and have no regrets. Shortcomings themselves are not only inherent in AC fan, but on other air conditioning devices, we certainly will also find these deficiencies.

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